Turbo Time - Almost Mountainous (1/9) - Host: HTM

firekitten andshuri have the same allignment. dont try to talk your way out of this maxi

@shurian no cc?

claim ur class

im literally vigi with no cc lol

I’m literally a jailor, I failed my dice roll on max N1 and I failed mine N2 on pug.

He can’t be a parity cop.

Accused Voters Count
Bin Maxi 1/3
Maxi Bin 1/3

i shot marcus n1

why would you jail me

both my dices are good rolls.

lmao the pr ccs you since there is a confirmed vigi

/Vote Bin

Lynch me or bin, one of us is lying we do not lynch outside of this:

I failed so it didn’t work

fire and shuri have the same allignment.

yeah but bin wins if i fail my shot

better to lynch him since there is literally no way i can be scum

Accused Voters Count
Bin Maxi, Litten 2/3
Maxi Bin 1/3

@Shurian get back here. You are part of a game.

literally IMPOSSIBLE

shuri is not vigi

If that’s so you literally scum slipped since I CANT BE SCUM

Bin literally just scum slipped here.

@Shurian is being prodded.

that means u and shuri are not scum. cant u read? maxi is the scum

Oh god sorry haha

9 minutes remaining