Turbo Time - Almost Mountainous (1/9) - Host: HTM

Honestly wouldn’t it be cool if discobot could actually type /Join and then vote random people by quoting their post and saying this is scummy because “insert meme”

This is scummy because “insert meme”

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Ping someone that can join

@NozBugz @redrabbit @bazingaboy @NuclearBurrito @Solic @Alice

Just one more

hmm :thinking:

Tip for the game:Question your partner on who they want to kill, out who they wanted to each day. If they can’t decide prob scum together

I can’t send out neighbor cards until the 8th player joins

Rabbit plz

Be cool rabbit thx

oooh ive never been a mafia neighbour before

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Pretty please I am even in my turbo chair

@redrabbit i wanna see who my neighbour is join

fine but i suck just fair warning


You have a chair for that? Honestly I just start pacing


im in bed lol

Stop Posting

Neighbor Cards Incoming

I do turbos on phone can’t pace and type fast enough

