Turbo Time - Almost Mountainous (1/9) - Host: HTM

confirmed vigilante in game

GG! Town win

firekitten u ded

I knew him not pushing on me at all was suspicious

trying to pocket me? i won’t be fooled so easily next time D:<

Wow you talked at night

night is (unofficially) over

also u attacked me so

MaximusPrime I’d be gay for you

Your brain is so big my gawd

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not until they say it is I expect you to be modkilled and I be modkilled

Night 3 is over. Day 4 begins.

Flips Incoming

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Modkill me too

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Shurian is the only one left alive, who is a civilian. Therefore, town wins!

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More turbo!


here’s the spreadsheet


@Livicus host another one

Honestly though I was scared because the factional kill was a dice roll which isnt fun

Oh HTM sorry I forgot to add you to unofficial ded chat hahaha

lul my rng saved me so bad

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What gave me away Maxi?

Lesson learned: next time we host this, raise Vigilante’s dice roll to 13

uh, sheeping me hard

also discobot told me to shoot you

you have never tried to pocket me before