[Turbo] Turbo Legacy Mafia - Signups - (14/14)

also, are we allowed to throw chances of winning in favor of survival(if something allows for that)?

Yes, yes you are.

Altho both are worth 1 point.

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Thanks for the invite, but gotta take care of a sick friend.

Enjoy guys!


Iā€™m as blind as a mole. (Yeah, I know, moles arenā€™t actually blind, whatever.)

Tell them I told them to get better soon.

Wait no, tell them the entire forum forced them to get better soon.

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I second this. They better get better soonā€¦ or elseā€¦

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or else

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lmao mindmeld

Mindmeld lol.


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I will run it when it gets 9 tbh

When is the last game

Just join child.

I prepared you earlier for this.

They will be most likely 3 in a row, unless we make break for wolfia / discord stuff.

rip cuz itā€™s 10 pm here


For some reason, I feel really uncomfortable in this for literally no reason.

20:20 :sunglasses:


We are mostly europeans in thread rn, but it has to start like that due to americans existing :stuck_out_tongue:

Thatā€™s 9, and tonight, thatā€™s enough.

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