[Turbo] Turbo Legacy Mafia - Signups - (14/14)

The official one, right.

I just downed an entire 500ml bottle of water because I have dehydration issues.

speak american

how much is that in sayā€¦ barrels of oil

or cans of soda

roughly half of one of those disposable water bottles

No like I just donā€™t get that date format

0.00314491 Barrels of Oil


that makes sense.


I just drank another 500ml.

Alright Iā€™m back did you guys find a replacement or havenā€™t the new game started

2nd round will wait

No replacements needed!

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If you knew you would have listened me, so donā€™t come up with this bs

it was multiball

he was a wolf

he was saying he knew the mafia was Simon or squid

And he was right and won

Oh I see.
GJ on not listening to me them

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I mean
I really didnā€™t understand when everyone said that not being on the consensus wagon = wolfy
Thatā€™s not how things work

By the way @arete

Iā€™m guessing the reason you were frozen is you didnā€™t know how to react fast enough due to being the type of person to try to analyze stuff.

In a turbo, I would look at a post and analyze it as fast as you can, but do not post the results of your analyze, just keep yelling and pushing them until they either change your read by acting townie or die. As mafia, I would basically try to do a fast fake version of this and attempt to appear like you are fake solving by saying x is town y is mafia trying to do xyz push them and lynch them

Itā€™s really easy to do if you put your mindset into it




You have 15 minutes, being honest you donā€™t have enough time to explain your reads.

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Like yes


but you will literally run out of time very fast