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When you give firekitten the chance to make a class you should expect wild stuff

So day one peek heal roleblock and some other thing?

Seems legit /s

@Kirefitten you also haven’t answered this.

Yep :slight_smile: 100% legit, @Alice what’s your decision on me peeking you :thinking:

I’m also concerned that FK isn’t concerned about claiming abilities when someone could have easily made a claim vig in a setup like this.

Or a Miller. Or a Framer. Or anything of that sort.

Yeah, and since mafia worked together when making their classes I think a claim vig is almost guaranteed.


@psychoneirik do you think you are worthy enough for ultimate power?


What is a claim vig?

gimme a Stand

I mean all of this could be BS, I know what Eevee and FK are up to, pretending to be event-makers on another site whilst being scum.

My vote on FK is solidified.

vig that can only shoot someone who claim they class/ability


a class that kills people that claim their roles



And if FK has a problem with me knowing how tricksy they are they can take it up with me.

Blue v Kitten is


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i think litten is town, not sure about blue however

FK can vote me, I’m pretty fine with it.

Math I’m townreading you, I don’t want you to vote me.