uCreate Forum Mafia! - (15/16) - Rerolling in a New Thread!

Doesn’t specify. If we can no-lunch I would like us to.

??? Control of what?


Delet this

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I gave you a day Ability or a night Ability depending on RNG.

One of them may either save us or doom us depending on blues ability

Hello there, fellow villagers. I can see you are all being productive wolf hunters today.



It just says I’m forced to gladiate my first voter. If they’re scum and get lynched I earn more uses of one of my day abilities.

Wolfy post


It’s actually okay tbh, math can choose to activate it or not.

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Activate what?

Because if I couldn’t choose then it would still be you doing it.

You know what? Math was eager enough to vote me, likely because he DID have a get-out clause.

If we can no-vote this then I want us to.

You have option to do it or not, it’s good.

I already regret doing this game as I go crazy with classes like this, I literally made a class that choosed a modifer from a list of 100 to give someone but they said it was too much

No you said not to vote you

I am the perfect class to call chicken

So I did

Didn’t Hijasik have a different alignment result on Math and Marl?
Then why we shouldn’t kill Math?

That’s what I’m saying?

If we no lynch and math gets an ability we can make up for a lost day, however I don’t want a no lynch here.

It was false, we didn’t have a N0.

Who the fuck is unknown?