uCreate Forum Mafia! - (15/16) - Rerolling in a New Thread!



Slips a modbias piece of paper into Luxy’s RNG
Hey, so you know being Town Special would be great. Let’s do it Luxy :wink:


You know it’s good when the site newbie gets it

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That’s not far off me. I love ITAs with a passion

I better see some of werewolf speak from you then

Lol I am glad the ita got canceled. I am 1/1 with ITA shots as town

Obviously only one option

Itchy Ballus

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I finally found my old IPick class

(Alurian Hyrulian Kaboolian Snoolian Doolian Poolian Scuttlebugian The Royal Ghoulian Lorulian Coolian Woolian Quoolian Mega Big Hoolian Stoolian Pogo Stick)

Neutral Killing.
Royal Blood (Passive): Laugh at thee fools who get fooled.
Spiky (Passive): Your visitors will be pricked when visiting you, causing them to bleed and die in one day unless healed by any means. You are death immune.
Off the Pogo Stick(Day): You lose your Spiky Passive permanently. (1 use.)
Roll (Night): Durians are prickly! Bleed someone if you have Spiky. If not, this will become a death immunity piercing attack. (∞ uses)
Piece of Me (Night): Heal a player. (1 use.)

I’m going to fail asleep and not be able to choose my niche if I’m Town :crying_cat_face:

Boss lets make a Jojo townblock

Gl hf have fun whenever Luxy rolls

Also, everyone should put a PR in their rolecards.

Put a power role?? Uhm a role is a power role by design??

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I meant as in post restriction.

Lol why? I have had them before they suck

Am I the only one in here who likes post restrictions?


Other people liked reading them

The only game that was enjoyable for me was when I was scum I hate them as town.

Boss gave her half of those abilities