uCreate Forum Mafia! - (15/16) - Rerolling in a New Thread!

its cuz I bombed

Then unbomb it.

I deleted that post already

Finally, access.


It is unbombed.


I made post what crashed everyone but me but I didnt know it would crash everyone

@Luxy i was forced to delete like 4 of Hjasikā€™s posts

so I had to go delet it

Holy heck, donā€™t copy too much Zalgo in the future please.

Should Xblade know about the Zalgo thing?

We need a class called policy lyncher.

/vote FireKitten

Bring it on.

Whatā€™s this for? Seems OMGUSy

Thank god Hjasik can still access the thread by himself or else we would need to can this game.

Any way, Math, did you want the OwO?

How is it omgus?

If it was omgus it would be on Hjasik?

logic fail blue ??

Oh did FK not vote you?

The short and sweet summary yeah.

um guy

I donā€™t know who voted who? As I said havenā€™t read but Hjasik bombing the thread deserves OMG you suck

I am sorry I will be a good boy and wont ever bomb again :sob: