uCreate Forum Mafia! - (15/16) - Rerolling in a New Thread!

/no lynch


Sam+FK imho

You are a knight? With the primary to guard?

That doesnā€™t protect the IC XD

Actually good point. Iā€™m giving goodies to Alice instead.

also math itā€™s obvious we are playing a game inside a game inside a game.

Math did you know I had a tank outside Alice house in this game that will blow up all visitors?

Huh? I was pointing out Sam doesnā€™t protect the IC so it would save her life?

Interesting tank. I would wonder if it existed. I would doubt it.

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Wait a minuteā€¦
Youā€™d die if that happened yeah?

You give stuff to Alice. Youā€™d be a visitor?

math I was playing chess and showing to you sam was doing the same

Oh yay itā€™s hard to play chess at work XD

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Still donā€™t think Sam is playing chess though

That was obvious chess IMO, guarding/CSING two people

Aka too powerful

Considering some of the claims so far not really?

Town killing is swingy, I think itā€™s too powerful.

However we shouldnā€™t really be questioning whether this is chess IMO and just let the pieces move

Uhmmm no? If I had an ITA shot I woulda shot Sam without a care

The indicator heā€™s playing chess is may in the sentence

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Why donā€™t you let him speak for himself?

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Oh and I invited Alice to my furry fandom, so :3