uCreate Forum Mafia Reroll! - (10/16) - Canned due to Technical Difficulties!

Accused Voters Count
Geyde MathBlade, Insanity, Celeste, BlueStorm, astand, Livicus, Unknown 7/7

That’s Hammer.

The villagers, certain that Geyde murdered in cold blood, picked him up and threw him into the Creeper Pit!

Geyde has died! He was…


Big Boss

Town Killer

Nanomachines (Passive) - Immune to death during your ITA phase.
Legendary Soldier (Passive) - Whenever you are targeted by abilities from non-town aligned players, they will learn that you are Big Boss. They will also learn your class type.
Stinger Missile (Day) - Kill a player. If they are normally night immune they will not be killed by this ability. If you kill a member of the town, you will appear suspicious to investigative abilities for the rest of the game. [1 Use]
Cardboard Box (Day) - Prevent all visits to you tonight. [1 Use]
CQC Mastery (Night) - Target a player, you will attack them. If you kill a member of the town you will lose all uses of all of your abilities. [Infinite Uses]
The Patriot (Night) - Initiate an ITA phase at any point in the day anonymously that will last for 30 minutes. You will have 75% accuracy, and other players will have a 15% accuracy. Players who are normally night immune cannot be killed. [3 Uses]
You win when you defeat the Mafia and the Neutral Killer.

We could not find any logs…

Night 1 Begins and will end in 24 Hours, Send in Night Actions Now!

BlueStorm, Livicus and MathBlade have joined the Party!

Friendly reminder that logs are a thing

Day 2 dawns, and two people are found dead!

BlueStorm has died! They were…


Your Emo Phase

Whiperers Support
It’s Not a Phase, Mom! (Passive) - If you become the new Mafia Killing, you can choose a Day or Night Ability to retain from this class.
Make a Scene (Passive) - If a player you’re not voting is brought to L-1, you will automatically hammer them.
Real Music (Day) - Choose a player. If that player insults or has insulted a Pop Punk/Punk Rock band today, you will kill them at the end of the night. [3 Uses]
Tell Me I’m A Wreck (Day) - If you are insulted today, you will gain death immunity for the current day/night cycle. [3 Uses]
Depressed Rampage (Night) - Assist the Claim Vigilante tonight, they will bypass immunity and healing. [2 Uses]
Leave Us Alone! (Night) - Any visits to you and another Mafia member will fail. [2 Uses]
You win when you have majority and nothing can stop this from occurring.

We could not find any logs…

Livicus has died! They were…


Professional Medic

Town Support
Vaccination (Passive) - Cannot be bled, poisoned, injured, or killed by indirect attacks of any form.
Medical Task Force (Day) - Target a player, they will be healed for today and the coming night. [Infinite Uses]
Quarantine (Night) - Prevent all negative abilities from working on target player tonight and tomorrow. This does not include death. [Infinite Uses]
Ultimate CPR (Night) - Revive a player, bringing them back to life. You are occupy and redirect immune while using this. [1 Use]
You win when you defeat the Mafia and the Neutral Killer.

We could not find any logs…

@Marluxion has been revived!

Day 2 starts and will end in 72 hours. No Feedback = Slept Peacefully.

Welcome back @Marluxion

Ha ha ha…

No. just no.


Just some pings for opinions

Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I am outed town support we thought had an all town hood. Shit shit shit

Marl confirm I was talking with you guys. Shit shit shit

This is bad

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At least that means they cant kill if we dont claim
Since its a scum killer

So I never claimed by role PM name or exactly what I do or don’t do soooo maybe I am okay but it’s still bad.

Also, what the hell is Whisperers supposed to be

The previous name was way better

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Glad you think so

@Marluxion hey you’re alive ask me a question please??

/vote Unknown

In response to that question, which I sadly couldnt answer earlier, it’s a secret <3

Oh yay you can speak normally now?

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Accused Voters Count
Unknown MathBlade 1/6

With 10 alive, majority is 6.