uCreate Forum Mafia Reroll! - (10/16) - Canned due to Technical Difficulties!

Looking on how the dying mafia looked to all I can only say that they are probably a NK night kill… and that the NK aimed for town.

No, they aren’t locktown.

Lol literally impossible how would you explain the mafia death?

Neutral killer killed Blue
Scum killed Livi

you read what I said? I said that mafia was probably a NK kill THAT AIMED AT TOWN because the dying mafia was townread

And I disagree

That would require mafia to aim at mafia

What aren’t you getting?
NK probably tried to kill town and killed mafia instead, that’s what I am saying. Which does make the NK dangerous to us.
And anyway, due to the name of the killing mafia it could easily be an occupy immune killer, too…

Nah…you’re full of shit.

Insanity visited more than two people last night.

How in the earth do you know this and how does this disprove Insanity being an occupy immune killer?

Lol it’s mod confirmed XD like go up

Like you picked the wrong person to fake as the neut

that looks like a day ability resolving at the start of the night.

Except here’s the catch. If Insanity were the neutral and aiming for town he would have aimed for me :slight_smile:

Both Livi and I were confirmed town in that hood.

Except that the NK would be under suspicion if they killed you right away.
Add in that you trust insanity… why would they kill someone who trusts them in being town?

Oh honey. Blue didn’t tell you? I feel kinda bad for you guys. I am never voting Insanity ever :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah nvm I get what happens here.
You and Insanity are part of the Mafia and try to make up some bullshit… and Insanity is the Mafia killer who is also occupy immune.


I am the mafia God of the Underworld /s

Seriously dude

You failed.

I think you are full of BS. I know what Insanity is.

Wait that mod message actually meant something?

I thought that was him looking to replace those people LOL

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You know what I get?

A Dayvig from Geyde :thinking:


It sure did :smiley:

Insanity you wanna do the honors?

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