uCreate Forum Mafia Reroll! - (10/16) - Canned due to Technical Difficulties!

I disagree with this.
Depending on what other’s night results were, I think it can confirm Wolfy.

I disagree.

Well, lets just say you are scum with Wolfus :slight_smile:

I’m scum with faction name “Whisperers” who chose a day ability which grants a buff to people who follow instructions in a message? Seems legitimate.
Be realistic here my messages not only confirm me as Town due to the baseless thoughts that I’m evil, but they also show that I have our best motivations in my mind.

Emotionless, waiting to just die. When it comes to a game when you’re practically begging to be killed and people don’t do so it makes it difficult. Yet there’s a promise of an eventual death if you help people out enough. Many evil people running to kill you whereas you’ve seen someone as your own god and want them to represent you. In game terms I certainly am Rachel Gardner


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Technically I haven’t outed anything I have danced around it. I actually haven’t outed an ability :slight_smile:

The one person I don’t want to die is PKR and thats cuz I can meme his character profiles

Kaneki Ken, my boy

Tokyo ghouls

I think I can dayvig a player

But I still need some answer from Luxy

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@Insanity don’t you dare dayvig wolfy or me.
Not only can I confirm him but someone else here can confirm that my huge message contained what could be a buff should it fall into town’s hands

Personally, you shouldnt dayvig PKR or Marl
For obvious reasons

If you dayvig anyone other than Unknown, just know town might hate you later

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How the hecc am I dayvigging Marl :thinking:

Dunno? Get the dayvig redirected?

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If there is one.

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Oh wait, unless you are that sneaky bastard that redirect dayvig?

Insanity, that’s again baseless.
Stop, be logical. Don’t dayvig wolfy when I can part confirm. Don’t dayvig me when Celeste can confirm me partially


Then why the hell did you even mention dayvig redirecting in the first place :eyes:

Yet when I show emotions to the outside, it’s something typically cheery. The truth is something that is often hidden though, right? I’ll protect Wolf as much as I can as long as it’s true, following love as my main motivation instead of thinking about anything else. Much like another really interesting character Sato Matsuzaka. Also, since I have a similar part time job it can link to me which is rather enjoyable while watching a series. I’m not quiet as el freako loco. But you get the gist :slight_smile:


Right, I am dayvigging PKR.

See ya my friend.

Marl, don’t speak to PKR about those pic, could be a trap :thinking: