uCreate Forum Mafia Reroll! - (10/16) - Canned due to Technical Difficulties!

:game_die: 16

I have my target in sight

@discobot roll 1d16

:game_die: 3

Fuck, I’m 3

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what the


y u do dis


Now I have to push myself

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You have to vote yourself to start RVS

If I get a gladiator class I’m pushing Astand no regrets

And I die if I don’t

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You cant get gladiator remember?

Nah, I’m not being Memesky anymore.

Plus it’s gonna depend on which type of class we get anyway.

Rolling now. Stop Talk.


All classcards have been sent out. The Creation Phase has begun and will end in 72 hours or when everyone has made their class. You may not post during this time.

If my town class was mad good now it became mad mad good. After a small edit I just made. So letting you guys know

Stop Talk Meathead :angry:


/give spectator chat pls

no spec
