uCreate Forum Mafia Reroll! - (10/16) - Canned due to Technical Difficulties!

Yes, and Hunter claims up other hunter claims.

I’m not buying this shite logic.

They didn’t CC that part

They CC’d another part of my claim

Are you dumb, as there are no niches in this setup.
Luxy changed the rules so for the love of god shut up.
I am also not a killer.
And my ability is a thriller.
And now heal me and for the cat’s mess, clean up.

They didn’t lol they just gave us a class type to work from. There are still niches.
Do not heal Alice

Alice tell me, what did you hope to accomplish?

I’m not falling for deepcat. Besides, you pushing Alice for shite reasons won’t fool me.



1.Scum Alice always tries to shift the wagon onto their accuser. They are doing that here.

2.They accused me of rolefishing when clearly I said they were CC’ing my niche. If they were doing a gambit they would have known to stop there.

Sorry, Alice. This is a thing.


Alice would have known I wasn’t lying when counter claiming if they were gambiting.

Now get some fucking sleep, me.

basically THEY ARE SCUM

Right then, if you insist on being a moron and relying on mechanics in a close setup then I’ll explain.
I give my PR on limericks to my hammerer and whoever night kills me as that is part of my claim.
In short, this should allow you to find my killer.
As they will speak in limericks along with filler.
So now heal me, or else you’ll have to speak in limericks for the rest of the goddamn game.

Alright. I can understand that.


Nah, you are scum.

I’ll gladly take the post restriction if you somehow aren’t

Also wasn’t relying on mechanica.

You LITERALLY voted me for CC’ing you when you were gambiting. That’s clearly a lie and your scum.

Geyde what do you think about this?

Alice you dug your grave now lay in it

Also the fact that there had to be a day

*message for the anti claim mechanic means it probably does a lot like killing in day light