uCreate Forum Mafia Reroll! - (10/16) - Canned due to Technical Difficulties!



Denizen of the Velvet Room Special
Proprietor of the Velvet Room (Passive) - You will always appear as “Not Suspicious” to investigations. You are also immune to death, including deaths caused by day attacks but excluding lynches until all other members of the Denizen of the Velvet Room faction are dead.
Transcendance (Day) - Todays lynch will not flip and their log will not flip either. All non-town will receive the flips, including the Neutral Killer. [1 Use]
Third Eye (Day) - Target a player. You will learn who visited them and who they visited at the end of the night. You will not be seen as a visitor. [Infinite Uses]
Key of Velvet (Night) - Target a player. You will learn their class. However, all other visits from the Denizens of the Velvet Room on the player will be prevented tonight. [3 Uses]
Mementos (Night) - Target a player. If they are a Denizen of the Velvet Room, then all positive effects that occurred to them last night will also occur tonight. Otherwise, all negative effects that occurred to them last night will also occur tonight. [Infinite Uses]
You win when you have majority and nothing can stop this from occurring.



Denizen of the Velvet Room Support
Fourth Wall Break (Passive) - The first time you use a Joseph Joestar reference each day phase in bolded letters, the latest vote will be removed.
Spiral Bookmark (Passive) - You are immune to redirection, and your results will always be accurate. You may grant this passive to someone else at any time, losing it. If the target dies, the passive will return to you, if unable to through death, it will be given to a random player.
Le Grimoire (Day) - Target a dead player. You will be able to use one of their abilities of your choice tonight. They will be seen as the visitor. You may only use the same corpse twice and any limited-use abilities will not take a use from the corpse. [Infinite Uses]
Persona Compendium (Day) - Select a player. You will be able to choose an effect type for them, which will be randomly chosen. They will be notified. You may not target members of the Denizens of the Velvet Room more than twice per game. [Infinite Uses]

Killer: New Ability (Day) : 1-Shot Dayvig, New Ability (Night) : 1-Shot Nightattack, New Ability (Night) : 2-Shot Guarding, New Ability (Day) : 1-Shot 2-night Poison
Offensive: New Ability (Night) : 1-Shot occupy, New Ability (Night) : 1-Shot Occupy Visitors, Effect: 1-Night Occupy immunity, Effect : 1-Night Redirection immunity
Support: New Ability (Night) : Heal a player, New Passive : Bleed/Poison immunity, New Passive : 1-shot Death immunity, New Ability (Day) : 1-Shot Death immunity, Effect : 1-Night Heal

Velvet Ticket (Night) - Target a player. If they use a limited-use ability tonight, they will not deduct a usage. This ability may only be used on a specific player once. [2 Uses]
Experience through Study (Night) - Target a player. If they are bleeding, poisoned, or attacked tonight, you will heal them. If your target is a Denizen of the Velvet Room or neutral, they will be unable to be visited other than by killer or support classes. [Infinite Uses]
You win when you have majority and nothing can stop this from occurring.



Denizen of the Velvet Room Offensive
Heart of Cards (Passive) - The first time a non-Denizen of the Velvet Room uses a Yugioh reference each day phase, they will be occupied that night.
Treasured Bookmark (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, redirection, and your results will always be accurate.
Manipulation (Day) - Target two players. They will be occupied tonight and any day abilities they attempt to use today will fail. [2 Uses]
Persona Compendium (Day) Select a player. You will be able to choose an effect type for them, which will be randomly chosen. They will be notified. You may not target members of the Denizens of the Velvet Room more than twice per game. [Infinite Uses]

Special: New Passive : You gain a single use of any limited-use ability you have every four nights, New Passive : Every four nights, all visits to you will be prevented, New Passive : Every six days, you may choose someone to be dayvigged, New Ability : Attack a player, the attack will be announced to the town the following day, New Ability : Reveal your class to town (the class will always appear as town).
Social: New Passive : The dead are able to send you one 20 character post through the host each night, New Ability (Night) : Two executions may occur tomorrow, New Ability (Day) : Your vote counts for two, New Ability (Day) : The target player may not be voted up for trial.
Investigative: New Passive : Your visits are now hidden, New Passive : You will now know if your ability failed, New Ability (Night) : Target a player. You will learn their class type at the end of the night, New Ability (Day) : Target a player. If they leave their room tonight, you will know at the start of the next day.

Solo Fighter (Night) - Target a player. You may choose who to redirect them to, if you redirect them to yourself, you will appear as a member of the town to all investigatives redirected to you. If you redirected a killer to yourself, you will be immune to death caused by the target. If you were either the first vote or the hammerer of a member of the town, this ability will bypass redirection immunity. [Infinite Uses]
Strategic Sabotage (Night) - Target a player. Any passives they have will be nullified for tonight and tomorrow. They will not be notified unless they are a Special or Investigative or if it is critical to their class. [Infinite Uses]
You win when you have majority and nothing can stop this from occurring.



Denizen of the Velvet Room Killer
Cold Nature (Passive) - If you are lynched, the first support class type player to vote you for the day will be occupied. This will only activate if you were the starter Caroline. If you are targeted by a “Jail”-esque ability, you will not be occupied by it, allowing you to use abilities. If you are the last Denizen of the Velvet Room, you will regain a usage of all limited-use abilities you possess.
Established Warden (Passive) - If you are killed, a new member of the Denizens of the Velvet Room will become Caroline, Igor will be the last person eligible.
Lethal Injection (Day) - Target a player. The target will die in two nights time, bypassing immunity. They will know of their incoming doom. This can be healed at any time. [3 Uses]
All-Out Attack (Day) - At the beginning of the night, you will change classes to Justine, Denizen of the Velvet Room Social. [Infinite Uses]
Electric Chair (Night) - Attack a player. [Infinite Uses]
Guillotine (Night) - Attack a player. This attack will bypass immunity but, all investigatives that visit the target will receive “The target was beheaded!.” If you used Lethal Injection during the day phase, you may not use this ability. [1 Use]
You win when you have majority and nothing can stop this from occurring.


Denizen of the Velvet Room Social
Loving Nature (Passive) - If you are lynched, the first player to vote you for the day and the person to hammer you will be unable to vote for the next trial. This will only activate if you were the starter Justine. If you are targeted by a “Jail”-esque ability, you will not be occupied by it, allowing you to use abilities. If you are the last Denizen of the Velvet Room, you will regain a usage of all limited-use abilities you possess.
Established Warden (Passive) - If you are killed, a new member of the Denizens of the Velvet Room will become Justine, Igor will be the last person eligible.
All-Out Attack (Day) - At the beginning of the night, you will change classes to Caroline, Denizen of the Velvet Room Killer. [Infinite Uses]
Mutual Support (Day) - Target a player. You and the target player will have two votes each today. You must target someone who is not a member of the denizens of the Velvet Room. [Infinite Uses]
Judgement (Night) - Tomorrow, up to two executions may occur. If both executions end in the death of a non-Denizen of the Velvet Room, only non-town may vote tomorrow. [2 Uses]
Isolation (Night) - Target a player. You and the target player will be able to send two 1000 character messages to each other. You may also choose to broadcast one of these messages to the town at the start of the day through the host. [Infinite Uses]
You win when you have majority and nothing can stop this from occurring.

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NK was my class
Denizens was pre-reroll

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I had two personalities

Caroline & Justine was :ok_hand:

If you manipulated people well enough, you could force lynches as Justine by using Mutual Support

If a vote forcer died, Margaret and Elizabeth could actually make it happen lol

You could’ve claim vigged math easily but you never did… Stop being salty about that kthx
Claim vig is not designed to kill every single night

My class name was Ben Shapiro. Thus my “post restriction”

You didn’t have a post restriction lol but ok

Why do you think put post restriction in quotes then

thanks for not giving me feedback on any of my classes :frowning:

youre welcome

What can say?

Neat, i would play with them.

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