uCreate Forum Mafia Reroll! - (10/16) - Canned due to Technical Difficulties!

Did them both together last game** for clarity.

Math/FK/???/??? libtard team ez clap

If youā€™re so sure vote me if you are feeling doubt.
For the first of my curse, on you it shall sprout.
For the one who hammers.
They shall clamors.
The bearer of my second curse will be that lout.

Anti claiming mechanic sarun so watch the half claims is my advise

I donā€™t have to be sure enough to vote you, I donā€™t ever see Alice doing this as town.

ā€¦ 1) Why donā€™t you include NK in that scum list?
2) Donā€™t use words or suffixes of ā€œTardā€ itā€™s a pet peeve of mine.
3) Donā€™t being politics in here. This is a no politics zone

  1. Why do you think FK + Me are scum?

its my post restriction


Why are you advising Alice?

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Mfw trying to pay full attention but also being distracted by uni mates arguing between whoā€™s better out of Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco

Like cmon


Also my thought process is anti claiming mechanic is NK type Ability.

I have returned.

I refuse to believe that a moderator would make you a post restriction like that.

However just in case Please change the post restriction if Kai has it to be in agreement with site rules. Thanks!

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Why not?

Because you donā€™t know what alignment Alice is. Or do you?

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Let me ask of you, what behind me is this motivation.
For I say that it is highly baseless your accusation.
Explain to me your reason.
Or I will suspect you of treason.
And I shall seal the fate of your own damnation.

There is clearly a claim vig so claiming should not happen. It seems mass claim is death claim

Probability says they are town until proven otherwise. Innocent until proven guilty

I refuse to believe that Alice based their class around Vengeful, when in fact that is literally so unhelpful especially when you announce it D1.

I feel like this is a gambit

its uCreate.
You give me power to meme, i shall take it. I really do fuckin hate that i did this to myself and the regret levels are over 1000% rn

A) if sarun and I were scum I would say it in the scum chat
B) if I was scum I would love for someone to open claim due to the anti claim thingy

So I donā€™t see how this is scum indicative so I suggest you drop it