I don’t care, I want to finally be a part of this game. Sorry if I’m being rude.
Because auto correct doesn’t spell for us the right words so we have to make do
He’s signed up if don’t see this box
In this game we riot
Death’s game. Death’s rule.
Rule 5: All posts must include something said in character in quotation marks below the action.
/Punch Shurian
“You’re a wuss Shurian!”
If the dialogue isn’t included before actions are locked in, your characters action will be invalid, causing you to not move during the turn.
/Join if I can
You can’t
may i ask why you chose that rule?
Why do i get the feeling these are based on our deaths?
Yes he is.
The game only has one ending: Death
Ultimate Death Game IV: Battle Royale
Rule 1 : Type /Join to join.
Rule 2: Type /____ to submit action_
Rule 3: One may obtain an item of their choosing(Knife/Helmet/Gun)in front of them before the start of the round.
Rule 4: Players need to submit actions within 24 hours or assumed to sit down as an action.
Rule 5: All posts must include something said in character in quotation marks below the action.
Player list
- CaptainNerbins
- NuclearBurrito
- Insanity
/join Finally caught my airplane. And I’m the first on it. ( What type of helmet is it?)
@Damafaud That’s five people. What kind of helmet is the helmet? And what kind of gun is the gun?
those were examples