Ultimate Death Game [Game V: The End]

/Grab his fist that’s going for the hit “Better idea YOU DIE”

(Why do you hate me I just want to be a god)

@Boss110 @Simon @Shurian @Strangle @Whammerist @Nerbins

Boss sits down. Wham sits down. Nerbins sits down.
Simon slaps the gun out of Wham’s hand. The gun falls. Wham no longer holds a gun.

Shurian moves to Centre.

Wolfy punches Strangle. Strangle grab’s Wolfy’s fist.


A silver chest falls to the North


Boss: In no pain. Sitting.
Nerbins: In no pain. Sitting.
Shurian: In no pain.
Simon: In no pain.
Strangle: In no pain.
Wham: In no pain. Two Bullets-holding. Sitting.
Wolfy: In slight pain. Knife-wielding.


West: Sitting Two Bullets-holding Wham, Simon, Gun
East: Key
Centre: Strangle, Knife-wielding Wolfy, Shurian
North: Chest
NorthWest: Boss, Nerbins.
South: Whip

/move to the south again. Wary of Wolfy.

“Lalalalalala Oooh! A butterfly!”



/Use the free hand holding the knife in an attempt to stab strangle

/Redirect wolfy’s fist which I am grabbing into his knife

Sigh Just give up and accept death…”


“I will make you my companion too since you have shown your strength and now join me and help me kill this infidel”

i will not interfere on this combat as i promised not to.
but if you both promise not to kill anyone (and back it up by dropping your weapons)
we can fight kitty together

/goto and grab their knife, pushing it into the ground

im giving yall a chance

I was asleep, sorry.

/snap Strangle’s neckle

looks like I can’t finish this then, /replace out \ die
(am without internet from 10th to 17th)



(Oh yeah you can replace Wham)

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@Boss110 @Simon @Shurian @Strangle @Nerbins @MtheJoker

Boss sits down further.

Joker assumes Wham’s identity.

Shurian moves South.

Wolfy tries to stab Strangle.Strangle forced Wolfy to change his stabbing direction. Simon pushes Wolfy’s knife to the ground. Strangle has fallen. Wolfy has fallen.

Nerbins stands and walks to the Centre.


An armour falls to the East


Boss: In no pain. Sitting further.
Joker: In no pain. Two Bullets-holding.
Nerbins: In no pain.
Shurian: In no pain. Alert.
Simon: In no pain.
Strangle: In no pain. Fallen.
Wolfy: In slight pain. Knife-wielding. Fallen.


West: Sitting Two Bullets-holding Joker Gun
East: Key, Armour
Centre: Strangle, Knife-wielding Wolfy, Nerbins, Simon
North: Chest
NorthWest: Boss
South: Whip, Shurian

/grab the whip and stay alert.

“Well. This should hurt people coming to me.”

/Run to east and pick up key