Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

i could see a world where i get spk’d so might aswell

It wouldn’t be a death event

Also were events in the OP

@Centuries took the gold bar.

What do we do with gold Ree

I have one gold bar

That’s it

inb4 gold bar explodes


I do not know what gold does

I see no mention in op

I confused

I mean gold in umineko is :man_shrugging:

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What does this mean

to be honest i dont know what it means mafia wise so im not going to say anything

What does it mean in the show


I’m not sure

It’s gold

Ah, Centuries. You fool. You fell for one of the most classic blunders.


it’s gold
i think it’s worth money
i dunno about you but that seems like something gold would do

I’m just sad there’s no epitaph

I’m expecting for Centuries to die anytime soon now

That wouldn’t happen

D1 death events in a 18p would never pass review lmao