Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

Actually, who were his targets again?
N1 Santa; N2 Cattail
Am I correct?

So youā€™re calling me, Santa, Cattail and Centuries are the scumteam?

I received a negative result on Strawberry.

/vote No Elimination

At the current numbers, this is the correct play.

Which wouldnā€™t make sense since youā€™re voting Conduit.

5 minutes have passed. I have waited long enough.

/vote Hippoyeetus

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
No elimination Wazza, Rue 2/6
Hippoyeetus Zone_Q11 1/6
Conduit Hippoyeetus 1/6
Not voting Cattail, Centuries, Conduit, Santa, SirDerpsAlot, Strawberry_Shortcake 6

Iā€™m not outting my results first. Waiting for everyone else to say their results

Good. Then my vote stays on you.

I donā€™t wanna vote for no elim

No Elim cannot lose Town the game unless they for some reason have another shot they can use in LyLo.

Iā€™m gonna assume they do

Wazza whyd u use a day ability

donā€™t even bother, Hippo.

If I was scum, thereā€™s no day abilities for me to use that would actually help scum.


name a scum day ability that wouldā€™ve been useful yesterday.

Not even I can see one lmao.

Someone lowered IQ of town by 150 so I was thinking that might be a mafia ability

Darn, oh no, I must be scum!

What ability did u use then?

None. We both know if you really did check me you wouldā€™ve voted me at the start of the day since youā€™re like that.

Just stop adding to the fucking confusion, I really cannot be fucking bothered with this game enough and your existence is just making it worse.