Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

Congratulations, you managed to completely kill the activity of the thread.

Congratulations, you are confirmed evil now!

I have Myself / Santa / Centuries / Wazza

as people who I think I can reasonably trust

is left?


I think thereā€™s 4 wolves left

Which would imply 2 villagers in this pairing

Thereā€™s a few I townread previously or still do.

Is there ever a world where strawberry is town?

Any one?

Operating under the assumption of 4

This group could haveā€¦
only 1 villager.

Unless thereā€™s a misclear in Wazza / Centuries but I am, at this point, very confident neither are.

As far as I can tell, mafia only have 1 KPN.

No-execute is probably the ideal play? But I feel like santa would just die and we go nowhere.

Zone is mechanically likely town but I canā€™t get over the progression on the ā€œshotā€ from bill.


The Occult shot was good but itā€™s a closed setup so we canā€™t know.

Rue has a non-killer check on Shortcake or whatever

which would mean


thereā€™s a misclear in us 4

which I doubt


They are probably just aligned in that case.


Yeah I see

very little world where thatā€™s v/v

and w!rue has no real reason to whiteknight a strawberry check if strawberry v because strawberry is prime execution bait in that case.

I donā€™t want to be stuck in a

us 4 is always v/v/v/v but i really believe it

Those two canā€™t be v/v unless the team is specifically


Which is a struggle for me because I
Actively v-read or lean like 3/4 of that

I mean unless you think thereā€™s a misclear then itā€™s in between them + the 2

I could be assuming too much and there is in fact 3 players

The occult had voting power so it probably could have counted for a ā€œteammateā€. Hmm.

I mean I know at least 1 of Hippo / Zone / Conduit is wolf

Iā€™m going to have to work through that.

Iā€™m not going to mech speculate on the amount of mafia player

im just going to ask if mylo is announced

My gold bar was stolen btw

so like

doesnt mean much because the role had been confirmed for a while existing


The role itself being confirmed doesnā€™t mean much because itā€™s not a commonly villager or even villager-AI role at all.

Iā€™m tempted to say >rand w but I think itā€™s a really dumb argument to push strawberry only for role and there are many other reasons why I think thatā€™s just mafia.


Is your check godfatherable / tailorable?