Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

I was voting Conduit.

I didnt mean Rue I meant Cattail sorry.

whats their claim then? i dont believe its lock town worthy.

i reconvinved myself theres scum in neighbourhood and cattail is logical vote in it.

Iā€™m just going to let everything unfold tomorrow because odds are, game is mechsolvable tomorrow

I donā€™t see why you want to vote today when it changes nothing, we donā€™t win any earlier by voting scum today or tomorrow, LYLO is lot less scary than MYLO atm

I swear every game im in goes exactly the same way for me lmao

Tomorrow if one town votes wrong we likely lose. Today this is not true. Waiting till tomorrow means EVERY SINGLE townie needs to vote correctly. The chance of that is like 0 lmao

Youā€™re not accounting for mech stuff that could happen tonight!!!

Like what? What possible mech info could anyone have to prove anyone and make a safe vote

trust me please

just trust me

we go to lylo

i have a plan

just unvote, trust me please

My check, for one.

We have Rueā€™s check which ideally, okay Rue, donā€™t do it on Cattail/Santa because itā€™s very useless, do it on either, Wazza,Hippo,Me (if you want) Conduit or SDA please because, scum you would do it on them and it doesnt like, do much you know?

Tomorrow we will be in same place.

Rue will claim to have another check, you will have another person in your nieghbourhood, Zone will be dead.

(btw Zone is an awful person to add if he will likely die, canā€™t you just add me? No way im dying).

Rue will have another check

Itā€™s a thing, we shouldnā€™t go without it.

Zone will be dead, true

I donā€™t even want to action because my plan involves talking in neighborhood and neighborhood has info that scum could interfere with

Thatā€™s my issue

Just unvote and we go tomorrow with a Rue check

Surely Rue is same alignment as Zone as Rue knew Zone was a killer before Zone claimed it. Very unlikely to have a mafia Kill Checker and we are confident Zone is town so most likely way Rue knew this if they are exactly what they claimed.

And if we all think Zone is town than Rue gotta be town. And if Rue town then Shortcake town too?

Scum know everything that is happenign in that neighbourhood I assure you.

Someone tell me how this doesnt make Rue and Shortcake town?

Not in a town Cattail/Santa world which is a possibility and what happens tonight, rules out or not Cattail/Santa as scum vs Rue and Shortcake

Rules it out for who? For you or for me? Iā€™m not coming in tomorrow and you saying ā€œguys I know Santa and Cattail are 100% town nowā€ and i have no proof lol.