Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

no problem

@solic get owned nerd

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I think ā€˜why would X exist in the same game as a VTā€™ was kind of a questionable take because several roles had already flipped that were of a significantly greater power level than a VT, and given that Gorta was the only VT in the game it was clearly just there to mess with people

Hmā€¦ yeah, thatā€™s fair.

You can just look at my town game. My town game has come a long way from what it was in anime FM. If I had the chance to be scum more I could be a pretty decent scum player. I donā€™t know if you have ever worked with me as scum/hydra, but I usually try to pull strings from the shadows and work on plans and such.

i agree itā€™s improved and i donā€™t doubt your wolfgame can improve as well

but im saying until then i find you very readable unless your postcount is too low

and i donā€™t think im alone in this sentiment

i mean iā€™ve seen you in two scumchats (SFoL60/64)

but ive never directly scummed/hydraed with you no

Wait right kat wtf.

Most of my thing about getting put in the PoE is that I am a lazy bastard when it comes to playing. I usually get started on reads a bit too late and try to make them to get a better understanding of the game, but in the process barely interact with people because I donā€™t try to read the higher posters earlier in the game.

I never said I wasnā€™t readable, but I am saying that I donā€™t think people should dismiss my scum game. I donā€™t see why more people canā€™t read me. Like I have explained it in other places before, if I feel like I am in a bad mood my tone changes in game. Maybe I was thinking readable = not as good, but I donā€™t know

The thing is I think I have found a balance in my reads (between the low effort and the huge ISO wall posts)

This was my biggest takeaway from this game and something I plan to improve on

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i would also appreciate criticism of my play here pls

that being said

to everyone who said i canā€™t post as scum

get owned

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but you didnā€™t post

from what i read i thought u did well, but also tmi spec and bare bones reading

like if Iā€™m ahead of you from D1 and you endgamed is that really posting

I mean

I did too kinda

you posted like, 500 times

And you posted less than that

i lightly considered vigging you N1 and thought your posts were barely passable

if i knew you were mist i probably would have bonked you N1

i didnt read beyond that so :eyes:


iā€™ll take it

Iā€™ll be quite honest with you, after I died I stopped paying much attention to the game, so I donā€™t know what to say