Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins


willing to savagely murder atm pool

hell yeah I got cleared by my own bullshit

I think neither you or Derps showcased TMI flavorwise

I won’t clear you for this but

It’s okay :^)

I’m specifically referencing PMFM moreso than actually announcing myself clear

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ho ho ho

red marker down your throat

tbh this list seem pretty reasonable, it’s mainly just the people who have said like one post or are sused by everyone :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah gorta is town

also like

im sorry but what even is this

A list of people I’m willing to kill rn


seth is in the game???

has uh
has gorta posted


has seth???

once i think

Once, I’m not clearing Gorta for 1-posting

Its 90% people who havent posted…?

Both have 1-posted

well is seth town

hasn’t posted at all apparently
so idk why u clear him

Certainly easier to clear people who have posted rather than the 1-posters

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gorta made a post

hes town

gorta is pretty obv as town

Gorta has posted so little he’s not even a frequent poster in thread

so youve cleared the entire game??