Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

I shouldn’t have to be pushing you into doing this.

If you’re around and want to post content, you should be able to find something to post on your own.

this is strange

def two wolves SRing eachother at the start of the game for absolutely no reason

spends a lot of posts just…
telling people how to play
which is NAI

not true, just wanted to say this

wish he would explain his reads

overall, scumlean/nullscum
whatever you call that

i don’t
but people want me to post to get out of the PoE

Yeah which defeats the purpose

defeats the purpose of…?

I only tr conduit because of the occult thing for rn, so it better be anti-conduit or pro town

townreading modposter

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…if you don’t want to post, why are you playing the game?

Not every piece wants to be on the board. I fail to see how this helps determines who’s piece it it is.

it’s not that
i want to make reads

i want to make my own reads, but my reads do not come naturally; if I have reads, then it’s usually a gutread of weak explanations.

which makes it hard when people say
“what do u think of xxx”

this is a fair point and I don’t think anyone has said it yet

Why are you assuming the votes on you are automatically scum?

My problem with this is you read Seth scum and then revise it to neut/LW. This feels semis >rand W to me

I was sleeping all day because I was tired as hell

It does with you

I actually agree here, it was a pain to get him to post fake reads, so I would rather go somewhere else today

wait what did I do wrong???


I remember discussing the possibility a modposter was scum earlier in what I seem to remember being some kinda fakery on my part

but that is actually fair

I am in a game, so I will do some ISO dives in a bit

Are you on about the modposter at the start of the day or did I miss something?

yeah that one

yeah no that’s 100% town.

If they were scum, scum would’ve thought something up for them and not just basically nothing.