Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins


Why would you instantly assume her and she. When the profile is called ‘Santa’ and very clearly has a male aspect and approach?

/vote Cattail

Excuse me… what does this mean?

Reading thread has been a mess, it seems like we are totally getitng nowhere with a ton of not-smart things, honestly what the HECK? Every time I leave thread (and even when I’m in it) it seems like more and more grating things keep happening

I frankly do not care if you know who is behind the account because I can’t prove that you simply aren’t W/W with them

Again, I am assuming it too for reasons™, I think, so do not suspect Cattail for that.

…why are people assuming that Cattail calling Santa “she” is a W/W slip?


You can take this “scumslip” and shove it up your behind, young man. You should know better. You really, really should! When, ever, EVER has one of those worked for you. Name one mister!

Some of you really suck at alting especially how you simply blatantly use meta on people when literally the purpose of alting is to separate yourself from your fol self



Like, how cool I’m gonna be set free from geta metaread but I’m going to meta-read others

wow how original

especially how obvious some of you are

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Holy shit I’m not the only one who’s noticed this?

Thank fuck. Alts make themselves so obvious from real people.

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wait so cattail did a slippy slippy just now


Like, why can Alts claim to be Alts but we can’t call Alts as Alts?

Anyway, this is a discussion for another time but it’s so annoying.

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@PokemonKidRyan I believe I noticed what you have also.

I have been so close to calling Santa who I think they are but like, yeah, it is irritating.
Let us move on

Lovely, I am sure you have done so lol

If you’re going to alt I have expectations for your slot because you’re supposed to be trying hard

Either play a little bit better or play on your main gosh, it’s like I’m playing with your normal selfs except I can’t joke around and stuff

Just way less fun


Just delete alts.

ANYWAY, can we stop discussing about this. I want to move the discussion to something else.

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This current sidetracking is silly, we need to focus on what’s in front of us!

Can someone explain to me what the hell Erika has been talking about lately?

@townkillers. Murder The Occult Tonight, or else.