Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

Yeah had no involvement with that one whatsoever

Eh, I guess. I havenā€™t played a FoL game but I can see why itā€™s prob a good idea to vote rn.

Anyways, letā€™s put on the pressure.

/vote Eli

/Vote Rue

Why in particular?

I have a guess but

Cuz I think their a wolf

Why the vote now tho

Brain says vote

I donā€™t know why brain tells me to do sone of the things it does

Fine donā€™t answer then

Thatā€™s is my actual answer

Theirs no real in depth reason for why I chose now to vote


I actually donā€™t think this response is very towny


Why did you think? Lol

Iā€™m not quite sure what you were expecting.

I wasnā€™t expecting anything I just donā€™t think what you gave was towny


I agree.

It was something Iā€™d been planning doing for a while, and I believe it has no bearing on my alignment.

Nah I think itā€™s scummy

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Iā€™ve read over ISO this twice now and I will be fully transparent in that I donā€™t have anything that jumps out at me! Tonally, they are okay, and none of their posts have jumped out to me.

The soft-defense of PokemonKidRyan and then saying he is shading later suggest they are handling things on a post-by-post basis rather than on a slot basis which is a slightly good look (?) considering wolves will often plan to shade x or defend y.

I honestly donā€™t know, thereā€™s really not much that jumps out at me alignment-wise!

Iā€™m surrounded by poor approximations of alternate accounts
