Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

Maybe because I’m tired af idk

/Vote solic


I agree with Solic having dropped off after early on.

However, I don’t understand your reasoning on Strawberry.

I mean you were voting him early on

I was voting him early because I found his attitude scummy.

I think he’s dropped off in terms of postcount/content recently.

I gotta sleep. Think I’m happy with my vote here, would support an Eli or Solic exile as well.

Will try to find some time to return before EoD but I can’t promise I’ll have much free time!


When’s EOD :thinking:

500 posts after work, goodie! I have read up. A brief summary: I don’t believe that that was a scumslip of calling Santa “she”, orange is doing better now that he’s had more time to be in thread, interesting that there’s a N0 check outted. (Reading through cattail’s ISO, there is little to no interaction with Santa… at all up until the N0 out. I think this could possibly be a better reason for a W/W preflip, but I am not individually scumreading either of them at the moment.) I am sorry to hear that you don’t like tildes or exclamation points from alts, orange, although I can understand where you’re coming from. I seem to be smackdab in the middle of Wazza’s reads, and was just wondering if he has done an analysis of my slot and it came up null, or if that is the product of another method. I’m starting to think that The Occult might be a lifelink sort of deal - voting it out might vote out Conduit as well. If it doesn’t seem to really do anything, I’d honestly be fine with just letting it sit to the side.

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It is literally here because if you read my first bit I say GTH Seth is a neut / LW / NK but Gorta says that I go from scumread to neut read which is scummy.

Then if you go to the second post of mine that Gorta used

I already say that I had leaned him as the trio that Gorta is sus at me “changing my mind from scum to”

It tells me Gorta either did not read my post or intended to shade me and lie about what I said to try and get the mislynch fodder.

Your read on me was made 11 hours ago (roughly), has it remained the same since then?

I need to do something quickly, then I shall perform a dive on you and answer.
Is that acceptable?

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Beyond acceptable :slight_smile:

Alright then, I think your most obvious positive comes from the beginning.
You do a bit of RVS which is acceptable, especially since you had reasoning behind it.

Sometimes you have a lot of posts which either are very much indicative of a style of person or literally to do with cake which is an alt centric thing like Santa doing to Ho Ho Ho stuff, which is a bit of a waste of time to talk much about.

I feel like sometimes your posts are confused.
Post 639 to 642 was good progression for reads which was guided lightly by SDA.

I know some players could feel it was performative and maybe organised in scumchat beforehand so I will keep the possibility in mind too but I think it was a good look as you could have typed it up within a few minutes which is the time difference between those 2 posts.

There is a decent amount of questioning and asking for clarification which could come from either side of the spectrum of town or scum. I know that is fencesitting somewhat but I have to consider all sides.

Bit too much fluff involving pokemon and the things I mentioned further up in this mini ISO dive.

I would overall say town at a 6 or 7. IDK quite which one but I am cautious because I do know how what you say could be done as scum too. I hope this is a fine read analysis.

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This is a great analysis, and yes, I will admit, much of this cake stuff is for flavor (haha). I am curious, though, why were you scumreading me originally? Not enough content?

The issue I have is that you just assume that Seth is a lw/nk when we both know everyone busses Seth as wolf

I get lone wolf vibes from this. It reminds me of Cents openwolfing in the past few games. I know, I said I wouldn’t focus on Cents, but I am not trying to focus here.

Yeah, my style is very off the cuff and in the moment. I don’t keep many notes


Why are you calling an alt a her?

This read is underwhelming in my opinion. I do not parrot others and usually have opinions that are contradictory. My terminology and skills growing, but my opinions are my own.

He does try to openwolf at times

He has done that when me and him were wolves

Which is why I won’t clear you for wolf hides and bad wolf interactions

Tell me the last time gscum tried to save Seth. To assume he’s a neut or LW because he is alone seems >rand W

Yeah, bit too much fluff ratio to analysis.
I still am uncertain due to the amount of fluff but I can see more analysis than before

Your point is… what exactly? Elaborate

Someone already asked me to, so I did.
Reading is fun. You really should try it.

I can guarantee that it happened in Insurgency. In all honesty I have not paid attention to many other games since then when Seth has been scum. IIRC there are not many to analyse so you cannot really try that argument anyway and I did not say it just because Seth is alone. It is his tone. And the fact he had a severe lack of posts and then rushed to catch up to how it usually is after I called him out.

You would think main groupscum mafia would be more cautious

Also it was a GTH read so lol

I don’t know if his lw/neut/gscum games are too different tonally. If you could case that it would be great, I could have been wrong about you. If you notice a difference tonally then case that

Wazza if this isn’t a joke I’m going to diddly darn snap your neck


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