Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

WIkl return in like
10 mins

My issue is that I cannot remember specific examples of those games it is just that this game neither his town nor scum tones really exist. I can try and find a LW/Neut/NK game but it will take me a while because my memory is not the most impressive lol.

I am going full throttle this game and doing all I can here

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/vote Starberry_Shortcake

unrelated, was there some kinda info outted? Iā€™m not sifting through scumslips and metaspeak to find it.

idr why Iā€™m voting surge

In all honesty, during the wall I made on you, I skipped this 1 post because I assumed I had read it in full before butā€¦

This is of high note.

IDK why you would get that impression and if you think it does a lifelink thing, then we should vote it out before it links itself to too many people. Think of the Oneiromancer aka the Oreomancer except as scum instead of a fairly harmless neut

lifelink =/= cult but not worth speculating on idk

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Surge Strawberry_Shortcake, Cattail, Santa, Wazza, BillNyeTheScienceGuy 5/10
Santa Hippoyeetus, Solic, PokemonKidRyan 3/10
EliThePsycho orangeandblack5, Rue, Conduit 3/10
Rue Surge 1/10
Hippoyeetus sulit 1/10
Solic SirDerpsAlot 1/10
Strawberry_Shortcake ErikaFurudo 1/10
Not voting an_gorta_pratai, EliThePsycho, The Occult, Centuries 4

@EliThePsycho why you gone

I have no idea what either of those roles are. Itā€™s entirely baseless speculation, it simply comes from the fact that it hasnā€™t done anything but ā€œcurseā€ a pretty commonly townread player, and can be voted.

Cattail is probably town with this post and the prior big one being frustrated with town play.

Ohh hmm.


Are you really 100% sure that they are town and not neutral/other scum/tailored?

It is without any shadow of a doubt!

Can you doublecheck with hosts possibly or just by like looking at it again. I have been burned by things like this before, even specifically on this person, and I canā€™t admit my read to be wrong

You know they are not a member of the mafia, but they might be part of a different scum?

Or you know they are a member of town and it bypasses tailoring?

Iā€™m 100% sure of it. Iā€™m not elaborating more but itā€™s mechanically a 100% green peek!

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Iā€™m going to be heading to bed soon, will probably finish my ISO circuit after I wake up.

You mean I have work and my bf is coming over for an evening. :roll_eyes:

Please stop scumreading me based on not being here for every part of 24 hours. That honestly grinds my gears. I am not in uni or highschool and I have shit to do and I already sometimes sneak in a post during work (which is more a personal problem), but shit like this is making me do it again.

I have plenty of posts, read them and read me on them. Donā€™t read me on not being here in the last 6 hours. I literally am seventh top poster.


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You can see town me having a life outside of games like this on my alt Flameo on day 4 in JOAT^2 btw.

This feels like a tonal dissonance. The first is very cocky/confident/emulating town meta, but there is no follow-up, no tunnel as they themselves say is part of their meta. The second quote as I know it, is not how Town Surge would say it. They would say that Erika must be protecting their scum team and be their scumbuddy. There is just no fire. Whatever mech they are claiming is giving me some pause however overall Iā€™m okay with this wagon.

This abil cld easily be mafia for future reference cuz I know someones gonna use it to try clear themselves at some point.

@Arete has replaced Surge.

Donā€™t discuss replacements.