Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

That’s the theory, yes.

Which one between the two do you think is more likely?

eugh, Hippo tbh but I don’t know.

can someone just hammer no lynch before I change my mind and fuck us up again.

Please, by all means, fuck us up.

/vote NoElim

EoD is kind of dead and it makes to do this with 10p. I probably won’t have time to be on for rest of

/vote no-elim

Cease the talk

oh fuck

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
No elimination Wazza, Rue, Strawberry_Shortcake, Centuries, Santa, Conduit 6/6
Cattail Zone_Q11, Hippoyeetus 2/6
Not voting Cattail, SirDerpsAlot 2

No one was eliminated.

Night 4 begins and will end 2020-10-13T15:01:00Z.

Deadline for night actions is 1 hour before SoD.

If every player votes to skip the night, I will skip it.


Night was skipped.

@Zone_Q11 has been killed. They were:

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That was disgraceful.

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@Centuries was endgamed and is massacred by Mafia. They were:

@Hippolytus was endgamed and is massacred by Mafia. They were:

@Strawberry_Shortcake was endgamed and is massacred by Mafia. They were:

@SirDerpsAlot was endgamed and is massacred by Mafia. They were:

@Cattail, the illusion of 18th player, vanishes, having served its purpose. It was:

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@Conduit survived and emerges victorious. They were:

@Rue survived and emerges victorious. They were:

@Wazza survived and emerges victorious. They were:

@Santa survived and emerges victorious. They were:


1st Game “Legend of the Golden Witch” Result:

Mafia wins!

When seagulls cried, four people were left alive. Congratulations @Conduit, @Rue, @Santa, @Wazza.

You can talk now.


Wtf Wazza

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Mafia ret
Mafia ret

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