Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

Yeah, I fucked up because I was playing on my phone, it was late, and I instinctively used my auto-sign-on.

Light, The Integrity Breach
a self fulfilling prophecy if you will

alt shenanigans aside i know i memed in the spec chat but i wouldā€™ve done fuckin awful in this game props to yā€™all for not giving up

@sulit did our investigation into you overnight

I canā€™t quote her entire quote wall but here was her summary - hopefully she can copy and paste the quote wall here so you can get an idea what we saw that made us scumread you

to be fair i considered shooting you too

but then opted to shoot PKR or Solic with a few other spicy shots in mind

and then i had no time to think because Things!

Yeahā€¦ Iā€™m not really sure what to say to defend myself here. I was just trying to be nice untilā€¦ yā€™know, Arete wagon. That was the only thing that pinged me in the right direction for Wazza, and once again, I couldnā€™t say anything about it because I was on an alt, but Iā€™ll say it now.
@Wazza Iā€™m well aware youā€™re smart enough as town to know that that wasnā€™t the optimal play for that role.

Hi Aroot.

Iā€™m sorry you were lynched that was so atrocious.


Yeahā€¦I thought as much.

I felt like such a dick when I cussed you out, in scumchat I was just sad about what I said about you.

I, personally, did not mind in the slightest.


Arete got misyeeted

Arete got misyeeted

Marshal get the gif :^)


Arete I do not regret lynching you.

Also blame Marshal for convincing me to spam vote Arete.


People tried interacting with you. Erika, Hippo, and even Zone all tried to discuss their reads with you. And every time they did you chainsawed their correct reads and tried to get them exeā€™d, insulted them, or literally accused them of gamethrowing. You cannot in good faith blame others for your refusal to engage with their reads.

I am trying not to hold it against you that you were wrong a lot. Everyone has games where theyā€™re wrong a lot, and while I question your claims that TMI was the sole reason weā€™re criticizing you given that I was able to come to conclusions that eluded you all game while in dead chat night one I understand that it may have been harder to reach those conclusions while inside the game, and Iā€™m doing my best not to fault you for it.

With that said, I can fault you for the fact that you were alive all game as a consensus villager, and you never once considered the fact that it could be because your reads were wrong. I can fault you for the fact that even after three mis-exes and a misvig, you made no attempt to reevaluate. And I can fault you for the fact that when Zone dared to so much as suggest the possibility that you could be a wolf, you had the audacity to level accusations of gamethrowing against him.


arete robbed


i didnt read the game after d1 minus snippets and who got yeeted each day so no comment


The fact arete still got the bullet when like

they were sos so so sosososo obvtown very

was a huge relief but also kinda sad


I canā€™t read arete

i was gonna swap vote onto eli but i was p sure wagons were T/T and also forgot to

I know I have a spec chat level of TMI

So I canā€™t really talk

but I feel like iā€™m justified because itā€™s arete

At that point sulit and I had decided to go with Wazzaā€™s plan and if there wasnā€™t immediate payoff the 1 for 1 would be worth it

Like Iā€™m garbage at reading arete

I guess wazza just like

disgustingly strongarming that EoD has to do with it