Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

I’m fine with making him claim and then we see what happens

But then we have to coordinate the actual thing and get him on before EOD so we dont have to cfd

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The thread atmosphere feels very…hostile.

Unless anyone has any direct questions for me, I’ll avoid interjecting further until it calms down. Mention me if you need anything.

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It’s D1 of a closed probably rolemadness game my guy

Chillax a bit

Working together is important but so is camaraderie and this “give it 110% constantly” attitude is gonna both harm that and probably be less productive than you’d think

Middle ground is important

Yeah didn’t know that when I started posting :man_shrugging:


ISOing this, there’s fairly low content but a few things jumped out at me.

I think that this post is >rand v. I’ve noticed that many low-mid L2 players (which I would describe this player as) will parrot things said commonly by “leader” forces or people they respect in general as villager as they associate it with good play. Wolves are usually aware enough that they won’t get credit from this type of thing and usually don’t care to do it past a certain point but the specific way it tonally mirrors some things i’ve said makes me think that it’s an immitation thing.

again it’s this slight tonal parroting of things like “>rand W” makes me think he is consciously or subconsciously imitating players he respects game-wise to improve his own game.

I don’t have anything else that jumps out at me, and I think that an_gorta_pratai usually has a distinct tone but for now these microreads make me feel that he’s likelier town than not, in all honesty.

@Wazza take a break if you weren’t already my dude

The rules are dumb but it’s not necessarily their fault


I am. I’m going to bed now anyway.

I’m just really pissy about irl things such as being unwell with my birthday being tomorrow and such. Goodnight.

And sorry, @BillNyeTheScienceGuy. It isn’t your fault. I just despise alts and how people play on them sometimes.


There we go

Now get a good night’s sleep and enjoy your birthday

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It’s maybe 20 seconds out of your time, buddy.
One wallpost is as digestible as 20 one-liners. If you genuinely want to have a discussion around reads it’s not that difficult. It’s really not!

I’m tired of losing, I’m tired of playing bad, and I’m completely done with people saying i’m not trying.

I’m going back to my ISO circuit

If anything it at least helps my reads if nobody is going to read it because it has more than 3 sentances :pouting_cat:

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On a sidenote, if the rest of the laboratory really doesn’t like me roleplaying in character, I can talk like I do normally… ._.

I didn’t think it’d be a big deal :frowning:

I’d argue that number is higher

And that is the exact reason I have more, shorter posts

It becomes a chore to read roleplayed post especially whe. Their so built up

I like shorter posts because it gives me more time to interact which I like better than just readin. A ton of walls

Honestly I’m more offended by people thinking exclamation marks disguise them then I am by the Bill Nye jokes

As long as you’re serious when you need to be do what you want

You taking up 1/6th of the thread still makes your ISO exhausting to read, even if a majority of it are one liners…


I’m not relying on people needing to ISO me because I’ll have interacted with everyone enough to make that unnecessary to read me

You can if you want but why

I’ve re-entered the thread to say one last message and to place a vote since I forgot.

This isn’t the problem. Honestly, if you’re an obvious alt who’s doing it for roleplaying reasons. I’m cool with that. But please just don’t make it obvious who you are behind the alt because it’s hard to not say your name when talking to you and such.

(I was enjoying your roleplaying shenanigans though but it’s up to you)

Nonetheless. /vote Seth @astand
It depends on chances here if I self-resolve or not based on Seth.