Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

oh fuck

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
No elimination Wazza, Rue, Strawberry_Shortcake, Centuries, Santa, Conduit 6/6
Cattail Zone_Q11, Hippoyeetus 2/6
Not voting Cattail, SirDerpsAlot 2

No one was eliminated.

Night 4 begins and will end 2020-10-13T15:01:00Z.

Deadline for night actions is 1 hour before SoD.

If every player votes to skip the night, I will skip it.


Night was skipped.

@Zone_Q11 has been killed. They were:

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That was disgraceful.

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@Centuries was endgamed and is massacred by Mafia. They were:

@Hippolytus was endgamed and is massacred by Mafia. They were:

@Strawberry_Shortcake was endgamed and is massacred by Mafia. They were:

@SirDerpsAlot was endgamed and is massacred by Mafia. They were:

@Cattail, the illusion of 18th player, vanishes, having served its purpose. It was:

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@Conduit survived and emerges victorious. They were:

@Rue survived and emerges victorious. They were:

@Wazza survived and emerges victorious. They were:

@Santa survived and emerges victorious. They were:


1st Game “Legend of the Golden Witch” Result:

Mafia wins!

When seagulls cried, four people were left alive. Congratulations @Conduit, @Rue, @Santa, @Wazza.

You can talk now.


Wtf Wazza

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Mafia ret
Mafia ret

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What do you mean “wtf wazza”???

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Yeah ggs played like shit

Apologies to town for the fact that lynching specific scum (Cattail) would have caused you to lose as well.
Truth is, town was already pretty screwed coming into D4 (which, admittedly, I don’t think is entirely unfair after 3 mislynches, incorrect vig N1, wasted vig on NPC N3 and Derps redirecting factional kill to town N2, which is also basically a miskill - don’t think town hadn’t had their chances).

Game wasn’t over N4 immediately because scum could theoretically attack Strawberry, who could delay his death (which would be enough to avoid parity and kill wolves coupled with N5 Zone’s vig)

Thanks for playing. If there any questions/feedback/criticism etc, feel free to speak.

Cent dude

GG Wazza, I wish to never play with Centuries ever again.

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Oh yeah sorry my bad I slipped.

Whatever you had TMI and died N1 and wasn’t even directly killed my bad idk what to say easy to pin the blame on me frankly I quite don’t care at this point