Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

If Light does get yeeted D1, then I’d probably vig whoever was the counterwagon to Light.

I mean that’s my exact thought so no

and no thought is bad, stop worrying about it

Wind did that? It could be just Wind being weird, though I’ll keep the matter in mind.

I’ll be back in a few hours, I’m going to spend time with family

That’s true. Yet as I said before, clonedcheese not treating D1 as important is :eyes: .

would anyone object to me looking at Light, Wind, and Cloned?

I don’t really know what to think about Seth at this moment

Though I see Light is voting on Cheese, which would indicate either cheese is spewed town upon w!Light flip or Light tried to go for a D1 bus, which doesn’t help scum in the slightest.

why would we object

good question, my mind isn’t all there right now

Feeling this post; I’m 1000 posts behind after a day

I agree, but only because it’s been years since I’ve played with a Jester. It’s in the same boat as Godfather imo; not a great role, and I think most people recognize it by this point. Maybe it’s possible in a PR-heavy game, but I still think it’s doubtful.

Is this something you’ve observed in large games? Cause it might just be info overload if they don’t have a lot of time.

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eh, I mentioned it first in response to something you had said to point out that it was mentioned vaguely in the OP, and that was the second time I mentioned it. I can see why Chloe questioned it, though, since she clearly remembered I’d said something before about LW. I’m having kind of a déja vu because I brought up the topic of lost wolves in another FM game when it was vaguely mentioned in the OP and someone jumped on me for it (and I was town).

I don’t think you really need to ask. I see no problem with making reads on whomever you want tbh. The more, the merrier.

This is only the second game I’ve been in with Appel, and my level of wallposting early on in games when I started playing somehow warped people’s expectations of me to “must perpetually wallpost to be town” so I quit making unproductive wallposts and tried to compress them more after that. I don’t really pay much attention to the length of my posts, though, as long as I can get my point across with enough explanation behind it that my thought process is at least somewhat understandable. I think I also got SR’d more often at the start of my earlier games than I do now, for various reasons, but I tried to find more of a balance in developing my play style and I think it more or less works. (This is my 10th FM game, for reference.)

But you’re kind of right about info overload; I generally have more time than I currently do, but even still I realized it wasn’t at all helpful to spam post in threads with a large number of players. Not that it’s really productive in smaller games, either, but there are fewer slots to look at and I can spend more time on each individual slot in games with ~10 players versus games with 15+ players. I also generally don’t attempt to solve the entire game on D1 and my early reads are kind of hit and miss, but I just fine-tune them as the game progresses and that seems to work for the most part.

The example Appel specifically pulled up is a pretty clear example of how I use mech to solve, though. In that game we had 3 PR claims and I encouraged us to chain our actions on each other in order to out the fake claim, and it worked because it outed the doctor claim as having let the bodyguard claim die. I’m aware my mech solving skills are a lot better than my reading skills, and that was pretty much proven when I played 15p mountainous because I pushed 100% incorrect reads as town. I like working with confirmable information, i.e. mechanics, when it’s available to me, but it doesn’t mean that I’m lazy with my reads.

Appel asked me earlier to summarize my meta and I probably said a good amount of this when I responded to her (it’s somewhere in my ISO from today) but maybe this helps answer some of your questions. :slight_smile:


The thing I’m quoting is Post #1119. If it takes 20 minutes to read through, that’s 55.95 posts/minute.

I dunno about y’all, but I don’t retain information that quick lol.


I’m a hypocrite and this became a tired wallpost lol

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gonna drop off now for the night, but I’ll be back after my exam tomorrow!

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People are voting cloned for being awkward

Aka doing what he always does

I really don’t like the wagon on him

/vote light

More likely to be scum compared to cloned and I doubt anyone will hop off him onto derps

Why claim D1?

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Unordered core:

In the towncore waiting room:

Your move, wolves


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Disagree with me all you want, I don’t mind

But the issue is in my eyes cloned just looking at the wagon it smells like a wagon being made to prevent light from being killed and id much rather vote someone who’s been scummy compared to someone being just nai. Obviously if cloned tries the surf the entire game NOT doing anything I won’t mind him dying, but right now he literally just isn’t providing d1 reads as he never does

Most of his posts don’t seem fake at all and I’d assume very easily scum cloned could get at least some amount of guidance from his scumbuds (unless there’s a case of him being a lw or 3p)