Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

Seth real joykitty? But yeah he’s probably doing a funny gimmick for this game so hi joyseth

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Excuse me while I go sacrifice a virgin so I can gain the WiM for this game.
I wonder if I can still play as a ghost…

Why you always grudge vote me! :pouting_cat:
You were one of the NAI’s I’ve ISO’ed.
You disappointing, spew yourself!

Why is your tone so bad

you readin the same game as me?

Bold of you to assume I’m reading


Why does Chloe literally seem just inherently townie in and even out of fm games

Because Chloe is a nice person™


Light if you’re trying to get the points i gave Arete in shortnight 2 for being the first person to push me uh

it wont work twice :joy_cat:

actually I did consider this and it has me a bit worried as a possibility. But I didn’t see anything in the OP about 3ps so I just assumed there weren’t any lol.

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Because they a strong player :muscle: :smirk_cat:

double pocket



oh god i have homework due in 2 hours

It’s interesting that you instantly jumped to that.
I’m just trusting in my tonereads because apparently those are the only fucking reads I’m good at cries in pocketed by corrupt chief

oh god i have homework due in 2 hours

nice hex code


Elaborate on why Light!
Don’t leave us on a cliff hanger! :kissing_cat:

curious to know, where do you think Chloe’s tone sounds scummy?


i mean

im ngl i thought you were joking at first
so the fact that you apparently arent does indeed make me go ‘is this boi tryina get townpoints for this or smthn’

I’m going to point you to