Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win


I donā€™t think youā€™re dumb, either lol
but Iā€™ve only played in one game with you so I have no idea how your reads are
I do remember you figured out Kyo was not town in that game on MC though

im policying anyone who spams amogus

quick Light spam it so we can yeet you

Tbh light is Probabaly not scum

anyways i need to go back

and do classwork

and also look after my fort in dwarf fortress which is exploding in tantrums


guys everyone say amogus he canā€™t policy all of us

any particular reason?

good luck!
on both lol

my hospital is now full of tantruming citizens

cant wait for everyone to die in one huge riot

The stuff heā€™s doing at a glance isnā€™t good but like

Looking at him form perspective of informed majority itā€™s like ???

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Informed majority



Informed majority

The event winner may surprise you

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or majorly informed :eyes:

(Itā€™s chleb)

I was gonna riot if it wasnā€™t Chloe

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Lights actions donā€™t make sense from scum PoV