Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

It’s proctored which annoys me because the hw and non proctored are all open response and don’t care if your answer is simplified but this is multiple choice and I’f I can’t figure out how she simplified it I cri

Please do not remind me of Erika Furudo

GTH min is town

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Or we vote it out

Oh yeah ofc

prove that
d^2f/dx^2 + d^2f/dy^2 = d^2f/dr^2 + 1/r df/dr + 1/r^2 d^2f/dtheta^2


I don’t do proofs

Proofs are gross

the power of polar coordinate laplacians compels thee

@Appelsiini I have a n0 redcheck on you. Are you a tailor?

GTH nightingale is a villager

were we supposed to send actions in on N0 :flushed:

nightingale is a villager because they show comfort in thread, and them still reading the thread while on anesthetics is more likely to come from town than scum

unironically think light tryina grab cred for being the first person to sus me ngl

unless he had a massive ego trip recently or is roleplaying Chloe From Shortnight 2
he just feels fake af

Thought this was a joke read/vote
Like it legit reads as performative

Light if this is fake for reactions or smthn, you aint getting anything out of it

Bc this all just reads as incredibly artificial lmao

not when I have homework to do :joy_cat:

Hello everyone.

Chloe’s opening post makes sense no matter alignment to be honest.
Light is more likely rand v than w, as their scum lean on Chloe doesn’t appear to have agenda and looks more like a villager pushing for information.

Votes on Chloe. Here is their push.

This honesty actually makes me like this slot more weirdly enough. I don’t see agenda here.

I thought Chloe tone is NAI, though I think Light pushing on this is more likely coming from a villager here.

Genuinely dislike that Appel dipped whilst typing

heh nice crosspost

I refuse to read posts more than two scentances unless their abkut me

please go to first grade
second sentence
third sentence