Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

bonk that’s okay
Just sheep my reads if i die


chloe is a player who reveals their alignment on day 1 and day 1 only

this is my legacy

sheep this if i die

Light’s mindset is
this has already been sed 100 times but Im unable to put it into more eloquent wordage

so why is Appel scum?

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
an_gorta_pratai Marluxion, ChopChop, Appelsiini 3/10
Chloe clonedcheese, Light 2/10
Light GGhana, Chloe 2/10
ChopChop PokemonKidRyan 1/10
Not voting an_gorta_pratai, CRichard564, EliThePsycho, min, Nightingale, Shurian, SirDerpsAlot, Spak, WindwardAway, YoubutWorse 10

I can not explain it. However, I am correct.

It’s a mistree

Wait you stole my pun

I have too much pride to submit that in my classcard

Light has a n1 parity check on me and appel

We match

He’s assuming we’re mafia


That’s not the answer anyway

Aaaaand there’s the perspective slip

im confused now

damn you got me

apologize for the joke

i wont joke anymore

my b my b

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I’ll go look at other things then, I don’t think I’ll get much of an answer here

ah ok, then you’re reading him off lack of association reads?
the thing is that the OP also says “there may or may not be lost wolves” so you can’t necessarily use it as a means of reading him as town, but rather as a means of not reading him as part of a wolf team.

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i have a n0 watch on you but nothing happened

light is a wolf :flushed:

Keep making fun of German efficiency :^)

I gave you my legitimate answer
sucks that you didn’t like it