Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

nyo wyay I will nyat nyaa


what if I bussed my teammate :flushed:

actually though
ybw is okay
there’s not really anything inspiring there
but they’re not horrible they don’t have that “yell at the town as an artifact of TMI” that I would expart from ybw’s first wolfgame (?) after getting comfortable with how to make reads

one might even say
they’re on the same tier as appel :flushed:

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so can we wagon chopchop now

:flushed: ybw is in my PoE because i can’t point to anything tangible that makes him a villager

are you talking about the game on mafia 451?

oh youve played a wolfgame before
I mean, it’s still sort of there I guess

this is fair
I just know in my first wolfgame my read confidence was off the charts because I had a string of ~15 village games leading up to it
YBW doesn’t have that so /shrug
they’re not obvwolfing

this village streak does not count the NE game where I sac’d myself D1 to get the doctor out of the game

i just had a sudden urge to CFD to marl just for shits and giggles

back to homework i go

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oooooh i see what u meant now

if it makes u feel better, the game on 451 was basically 3 nks all sided against eachother and the town. i was one of them

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Appelsiini Light, PokemonKidRyan, Marluxion, WindwardAway, GGhana 5/8
Nightingale EliThePsycho, ChopChop, YoubutWorse, Chloe, min 5/8
Light Spak, Nightingale 2/8
Spak SirDerpsAlot 1/8
Not voting Appelsiini 1

Tied wagon moment teehee


Yeah, it was basically just 3 Indy roles and 6 townies, so he didn’t have any team interaction there.

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wtf Chloe you made me use up my last like on a fart post
I can’t believe you smh


also, tied wagons :eyes:
EoD should be interesting

and I should be able to be there!
I will be extremely tired tho

I feel dead inside rn but I can try and be awake for EoD.
I’m intrigued by the decision to tie the wagons but I don’t think in the end we’d let it rand

whyyyyy does nobody do anything

while im doing hwwwww

i wanted to come back to SPICE

and instead


im gunna dayvig someone

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pick me pick me



been nice playing with ya

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