Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

Appel is willard


this is unironically more wolfy than any post I’ve ever made

For no reason other than to laugh when you do this

@Appelsiini do you claim willard

I do not

Then do you think we’re T/W or T/T?

This was legitimately me asking if anyone else had played a game with you in which you were a wolf, though.

I think you’re either T/T, or T/W with you being the wolf

I actually have all of my games listed in my profile, along with the alignments. You can check them out if you want to

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Brain is fried at REALLY bad time for it to be fried

Cas is cute

Just ftr

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Appel lockcute?


Go to sleep

Why are you even awake at this time

i wanna box in wolves):

If you go to sleep, we’ll save some wolves for you to box in

Should i leave you all with a parting gift

You can box them in with a clear head tomorrow. Nighty night :zzz:

As long as it isn’t covid

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Before I go back to bed


Stop looking at mech

It’s been proven time and time again to not be reliable

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Appelsiini Light, PokemonKidRyan, Marluxion, WindwardAway, GGhana 5/8
Nightingale EliThePsycho, ChopChop, YoubutWorse, Chloe, min 5/8
Light Spak, Nightingale 2/8
Spak SirDerpsAlot 1/8
Not voting Appelsiini 1

7.5 hours remain.

What on earth happened while I was sleeping

We’re boxing the wolves in

Backreading time