Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

Or was that not 24 h ago, maybe Im wrong

Pushback in the sense that weā€™re right back where we started
We went full circle
Started with a big wagon on cas
Marl and i expanded our boundaries and looked elsewhere
Things became active again, and i felt like i was going against the grain in many places

And weā€™re once again back on course for cas to die
When, 24h ago, this was the same case, and there was little in the way of resistance

Ahh gotcha.
Yeah, I see what you mean, the threadā€™s pretty complacent here.

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I dont wanna be a willager and stop a wolf elim


Shit just feels wrong

I wasnā€™t exactly there for EoD1 since Discourse decided to shit itself on me so I couldnā€™t properly read anything, but there was a lot of activity around the wagons compared to today. I know it isnā€™t EoD yet but I guess that still says something? A lot of people were moving their votes around and defending others for various reasons, but right now thereā€™s a lack of defense. Ofc it could just be because it isnā€™t EoD yet, but yeah I see your point.

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Im ngl my brain doesnt know what to do with cas not claiming

Surface-level just feels wolfy



Maybe NAI

wolf would probably want a claim to back up on to to escape the elim? But

My brain is wntirely fried

considering the wagons are tied, I dunno if thereā€™s a reason to fullclaim yet? I know Night claimed Miller and that was kind of weird




get some rest!

ISO yourself, dummy
Iā€™m not going to claim unless I seriously think Iā€™m going to get killed

Iā€™m gonna be a tad bit inactive today but Iā€™ll try my best to solve
Marl isnā€™t here so Iā€™ll leave until he pings me again


why do i always have thoughts the second im about to go to sleep


@Marluxion why does w!Appel shoot Derps there

Derps is still a potential ML, and he would be shooting into PoE
Which, if they are confident is a green poe
Is another ML gone
And if not, he shoots a wolf

That would be ridding herself of 2 potential MLs, OR, a scumbud, if derps aimed correctly

Re-read her wallpost
Her take on derps is extremely valid

I dont think i want her dead today


this is how i felt with shad




Itā€™s morning

Talk to me

I think

Night is scum

And if Chloe is exploding about appel Iā€™ll just vote there

Weā€™ll just have appel be checked

And or roleblocked

Iā€™m already voting night so Iā€™m good, and I encourage others to do the same
If you wanna kill appel still, convince everyone whoā€™s all paranoid like this and Iā€™ll hop on as well to kill them

why are we giving ybw a pass again

Iā€™m not

Iā€™m just killing someone else first

I fully warmly invite a vig in that direction as
heā€™s not even

Doing anything? Lol

Like with Eli at least he posts in thread

Ybw just likes. Literally random posts and l lurks

Actively not giving out content but is still being in thread

Sleeping for a bit more


Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Appelsiini Light, PokemonKidRyan, Marluxion, WindwardAway, GGhana 5/8
Nightingale EliThePsycho, ChopChop, YoubutWorse, Chloe, min 5/8
Light Spak, Nightingale 2/8
Spak SirDerpsAlot 1/8
Not voting Appelsiini 1

4 hours until EoD.

Her partners are generally townread/deep :upside_down_face: