Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

Then pressed it four times

Uh, being Town doesnā€™t mean they have good reads.

I mean Marl was obv town

and people in general like to listen to others if they trust them

I think they sheeped me

cause I shout a lot

and marl was fucking obviously town

How did light get mafia checked?

Battler was a framer

Framed by Wind.

actually no i was completely fine with that and dying

Like Town doesnā€™t usually end up in a good spot if they sheep one player.

Light got framed.
Also Spak canā€™t read spew to realise that Light was not W/W with the flipped wolf.

I mean I guess people just tend to follow assertive people in FM which Marl is

which like makes sense

me being complicated VT made me more upset than dying

The only joking matter here is the triple quickhammer
Most other things were conceivably something village just fucked up on and shouldnā€™t be held over their heads constantly


yeah I framed Light as a byproduct of RBing him and when Spak outed the redcheck I flipped my shit because I realized I could easily be traced as the framer

werent there 4

@Spak even though I wasnā€™t in this game I sincerely apologise about the 4 quickhammers, I swear Townplay isnā€™t usually this bad.


I mean itā€™s just simple logic.
Why would the person who was first to push and help flip the 2nd wolf be a wolf?
A little common sense would have gone a long way.
I guess they donā€™t teach this in schools these days.

I mean Light was 19 hours?

I actually think the average player on this site would play better if they sheeped a bit more

but that only works if youā€™re sheeping people who are correct