Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

Well this was painful for me.
I’ll leave it at that before I become more of a d*** more than needed.

This issue gorta is usually we can’t read yku because you have like 5 posts all consisting of im here now going to catch up

I’m going to go play video games now

On repeat

I will now feel like crap over it for the rest of today gg

Don’t do that. Have hugs?


Hugs are based

Especially ghost ones

Hey did you like chatting with me through Shurian?

I don’t think we really talked to each other indirectly? But I did have fun reading your takes and whatnot

uh all i have to say is

light and ybw started obvtowning when they were getting hammered

quickhammering seems to be more of a convenience when people are sure of their reads and try to end the game faster
but inside the game it’s… never useful as far as i can tell
because it stops re-evaluation and prevents you from testing the rigidity of your current solve

i didn’t know whether to join this because i was already doing a lot of other stuff but eh

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what happened


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what happened and I should read this



From a scale of 1 - Twilight how bad will I suffer after reading this game


Eh there’s been worse

what have i done


except I can be read normally REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

It’s difficult because you post bare minimum and half you posts are just you saying you’re catching up