Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

i kinda stopped paying attention around post 1000

Beats me lol

Here was my plan this game:

Try and find a Dog or Cat character to OpenCat/OpenWolf with and flavour claim it even if it isn’t a provided fake claim (it wasn’t)

Pocket PKR and Marlu somehow !Check!

Live to the end game !Check!

Make sure Windward doesn’t get day executed !Check!

If questioned about uncertainty towards my role, redirect them to my soft Day 1 !Check!

Not on the Plan but happened anyway

Have paranoia about Arsonist !Check!

TR my top SR !Check!

Not be present for 2 day phases in a row due to Town quick hammering !Check!


Honestly I fake claimed probably the best thing ever and everything about that fake claim was entirely my own doing.
I’m proud of myself! :smirk_cat:

Legit just looked at all characters in the anime till I found Willard’s Cat and Fake claimed it at SoD.

this part of your ‘plan’ was very obviously added after it happened lol


Yeah that’s what i Put

Every time seth posted a cat emoji I threw up in my mouth

which, if I was town, would be a significant deterrent to me wanting to open thread

so I have to say… well done


Says the creator of joy_cat

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I’ll say that I don’t know why gorta was executed in the end, i didn’t read anything but chloes iso until she died.


you have the ability to be incredibly obvious town as town, and when that’s not there, people will subconsciously notice it and thread will move against you and you lack the ability to really strongly defend yourself as either alignment, which causes a snowball effect.

Now people kill you anyways when your town, because FoL pepega, but as wolf I don’t think you really are ever able to escape the PoE without imitating the nuances of your towngame or changing your playstyle to a more commanding one that allows you to get towncred for your influences on thread and not just individual posts.

“Gorta has higher wim and is therefore wolf” is a pepega argument, and demotivating, don’t let it get to you.

but like your playstyle is generally pretty bare on content itself, and while you can do super villagery things as town, that’s very hard to do as wolf and your playstyle doesn’t have the manueverability to allow you to escape the PoE as wolf.

Basically, don’t get down about people saying wim = wolf for you, that’s pepega, but the reason you are so often PoE’d is because you are almost always on the lower end of content or say you will do things later, which gives little to clear you off of. I still think you can be cleared as town for more subtle things, but as wolf, you can’t really replicate subtle things like that and it’s difficult to read you off of anything else, which means when people need somebody to turn to, they’ll look at you and with your current playstyle it’ll be hard to do anything about it


If town followed this advice, at least 2 townies could have been saved from being executed.

this 100%

Gorta was being active because he was motivated to play plus promised to become more active.
Y’all quickhammering him and demotivating more is just going to lead to him becoming less and less active in other games which is the causation for “haha :christmas_tree:”


Here’s the run down about being town.
The onus is on you as town to make yourself obvious enough that town can see that you are town.
If you get misexecuted because you don’t bother to play the game you sign up for, then that is a big defect in your townplay which needs to be fixed.

I mean this isn’t really advice, it’s more of a “don’t get down, but this is why you often end up on the chopping block as wolf”

if I had to give advice to not be executed as town, it’d be “post your rolecard right before being hammered so that you’re modkilled instead of executed”

Why do you think I called out YBW as an example of this?
It’s to point out that this is what happens to townies who don’t bother to play the game you sign up for.
It wastes an execution on a townie when that could have hit a mafia.


In other words, the best thing you can do as town is to make yourself obvious town enough that town doesn’t think about executing you and scum has to use a night to get rid of you.

Usually I don’t get widely suspected as a wolf because I don’t do anti town actions such as not playing the game I sign up and do anti town stuff.

CRich remember what we talked about in spec chat

CRich stop it.