Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

Most because yall post too much

Whatā€™s the reason on me?
I looked through your ISO and the only thing which could soft towards your reasoning on me would be:

So how did your ā€œpeople doing this could be potential scumā€ transition to me being scum.

I need to see your perspective and reasoning. Leave no read unquestioned.

Iā€™m getting tired of this. Already you guys are only looking at reasons why Iā€™d be doing this is scum without thinking if Iā€™d ever actually doing it as scum.
@Chloe thereā€™s nothing specific in the posts. As I have said multiple times, itā€™s just an overall feeling of them being off. You asking me about them doesnā€™t make bullshit spring up like geothermal energy.
@Appelsiini i have given other reads w/ reasoning. I have quoted posts that I think are ā€˜offā€™ with Chloe. Please read up closer before you make an untrue comment.

I believe in my read on you, Chloe. But Iā€™m also acutely aware of the fact that people went ā€œwowzahs wallpost on how to play from Chloe thatā€™s townā€ and ā€œLightā€™s not pulling reasoning like a magic scarf out of his sleeve therefore heā€™s obviously pushing agenda against the strongest player in the gameā€

SDA, donā€™t be stupid. This game is actually incredibly low in posts at the moment, with about fifty per hour. If this is too high for you, you need to start reconsidering signing up.

Do you have a crush on her or something?
You seem to always defend them. :kissing_cat:

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I put Wind in the same category as Chloe myself.

btw i think chop is probably maria ushiromiya

mostly because the stupid post restriction chop heā€™s doing seems like itā€™s as aggravating as it possibly can be

Theirs 1k posts

Honestly Iā€™m like Null Town on PKR RN.
It really helps when I ignore his grudge towards me and focus on his other posts.

but thatā€™s not what weā€™re arguing though


I already claimed.
I legit the Town Cat of this Game! :smirk_cat:

PKR figured it out!

50 posts per hour isnā€™t like low or anything


After 21 hours.

Thatā€™s a lot of posts

I can do various of different things depending on who I target.

Iā€™m only a Huntsman if I target Willard.

are you actually this fucker

Willard is the only one I love and love is Huntsman.

Mass claim pog

Takes about twenty minutes to read through them, and you arenā€™t going to find a slower game on the site unless itā€™s like a 9p. You signed up for an 18p, now decide if youā€™re going to play or not.