Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

Hey kitty! No need for that language!

chop are you a third party who wins if 1/4th of the game subs out because of you

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There’s a word for it if scum do it.

Like say something calling it bad to try and push focus into them for everyone else to see.


I only did see the 2 posts on you.
2 which you were talking in tandem with Chloe about a 100 posts back.

Yeah discussing about the cat is fun but it’s a red herring in my posts that town would be less likely to talk about it.

Oh and then you touch on it while I was on and I went ??? immediately while looking on the rest of the post which I’m sure had a few minor takes here and there without hard takes.

The reason why you’re not scumlock rn is because you’re not pushing agenda of any kind.
Which in hindsight should put you as townlean: But I just wanted to see your reaction ngl.

Move on :3

that doesnt answer my question

because i wasnt calling it bad/scummy/whatever

i genuinely wanted to know the mindset behind how CRich was reading people


also why did you only start doing the catposting after i pointed it out

I guess
I thought light’s recent posting was defensive
which isn’t necessarily an AI thing but /shrug
bottom text

Do you take me to be some kind of monster?
Because this is borderline discredit or whatever word floats you boat! :pouting_cat:

I posted it just before you posted that.

Within a few seconds

good answer

I would like to hear your thoughts on all of my posts, please. Quotes would be welcome, as well.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Light GGhana, Chloe, Spak 3/10
ChopChop PokemonKidRyan, clonedcheese 2/10
clonedcheese CRichard564, Shurian 2/10
an_gorta_pratai Appelsiini 1/10
CRichard564 Marluxion 1/10
GGhana ChopChop 1/10
Not voting an_gorta_pratai, EliThePsycho, Light, min, Nightingale, Shurian, SirDerpsAlot, Spak, WindwardAway, YoubutWorse 10

anyways im gonna stop pushing the catposting thing cause it’s probably useless

So your little agenda or whatever it is, is invalid because it’s inncorrct.



i just wanted to know

asking questions is not pushing an agenda aerefwqw2e3w33rfcas

Like not a valid argument at all.