Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

Is appel gonna stonewall all my jokes until i turn into a normal FM player

maybe she’ll reduce you to only posting angy kitties by EoD lol

angy catting is officially this forums version of lolcatting

For what it’s worth, I have no sense of humor :^)

Real life images of yourself shouldn’t be posted so you avoid being found. Yes, I know this was a roast but I was joking about but also was somewhat serious

well tbf… he’s you, but worse :joy_cat:

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oh no
did my tree event kill the thread

yes, you effectively turned them all into trees :<

the chat is moving so fast nobody will see that i’m marl

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oh no
i’ve made an arbormination


…maybe it’s about time I leaf the thread, too


no wait stay i can root out my problems i swear


damn okay PKR jeeze

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but what if they just branch out into worse problems?

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chats moving so fast that nobody will see that I’m rokon

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we can just bark at them later if that happens


I’m not sure if that wood solve them, though

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(If xblade let us pay a dollar a month for unlimited likes i’d pay it)


is pearsiini a wolf
I need an expert opinion

Yeah, it might stem from something deeper