Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

No? Not really? I’ve. Like actually explained my reasoning

//goodnight yall

Gws :3

brain doesnt like stagnant thread

brain think something wrong

but brain want to stay course

brain go brrr

brain do homework now




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Sounds good with me. I’d add Chloe to that list as well.

Weh is a mood

So judging by the fact that Shurian hasn’t dipped, then you’re saying he’s one of your town reads?
As you can tell, I’m not the biggest fan of using meta on people though there’s a time and place for meta reads.

So my D1 readlist is something like this.

Town reads:

Town leans:

PoE needs to be sorted:
Chop Chop
Cloned Cheese (Will move this to town read if Light flips W because spew is a thing)

wow that
that is a lot of town reads and town leans
and we’re not even through D1 yet

Well that’s where I’m at as of now.

not a playstyle that i vibe with ._.
I have a total of 0 townreads/townleans

I have townreads and townleans and a third of the game has expressed intent to kill me at some point
I feel like it’s not an issue with his playstyle so much…

Do you at least have a Null Town or Gut Town? :smiley_cat:

Your Welcome on being the part of the game that doesn’t have intent! :smile_cat:

Can you explain your GGhana read please.

I’ll quote what I said about GGhana and I haven’t seen anything from them that makes me want to change my read on them.

Latest VC with my townreads and townleans colored
Mostly just doing this for OCD’s sake so i can visualize shit

Derps wagon might just be entirely pure aorn? Idk? Question mark?

Every minute that Appel isn’t in thread is another minute that my brain goes ‘mrrrrr’
(Which isn’t really her fault, but I don’t have a super strong read there and I would like to)

Wagon composition on Light makes my brain go :grey_exclamation: but I still think it’s a likely hit tbh

Gunna re-read the entire thread in a few hours ig

Nonvoters should vote

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When did GGhana get in there?

is this directed towards me?

if so
gghana’s been pocketing me since uh
forever ago