Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

you had me worried there for a second…

I remember that, but people were saying he was joking and that he frequently open wolfs as town? I don’t know man

aren’t you going to make your own read?


when did this happen? Last I remember he claimed scum

I don’t see how that would pass review

I can see it

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Derps wagon looks pure af but i still dont even understand why it exists in the first place

I went into his iso and came out with a whole lot of nothin’ tbh

Cheese wagon confuses me a bit as well
From what i can tell its because he’s… not providing content?

The only real take I distinctly remember on cheese is from CRich (and i think it was pretty early, too) and I liked the thought process

Like i wont deny that these wagons could be on wolves
But damn does it feel lazy

What a weird d1

@Chloe where do you want to go today with the lynch if you are getting cold feet about Light? (I still need to make my light read)

cloned just feels like a wolf having an awkward time joining the conversation without standing out

i will say the person with my gun is not in my townreads
so if i die tonight that’s probably why lol


maybe they’ll hero shoot a wolf though so we’ll see

I don’t have a confident enough read to form/push my own wagon

Might feel it out and see which of the tops I think is most likely to be a wolf

In a weird state of mind right now and I’m honestly unsure what to do with it
I’ve never been like
Indifferent about where my vote goes? I feel like I’m always either leading a wagon, rallying with my towncore, or sheeping someone with a strong case
And rn i feel
This is weird
I feel weird

I just got done reading his posts and I kind of disagree, he has some of his own takes and I kind of understand his mindset if that makes any sense

i’m in a similar spot
and from my pov this means one of two things
a) the wolves are already in the towncore
b) the wolves are among the awkward or lower posters so as not to stand out

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like it’s not a strong read on cloned, but his resistance to making reads feels >rand V if that makes any sense

I understand that feeling and have had similar feelings the past few games myself

that is NAI at bast and >rand w at worst

maybe I’m biased because of my own mindset and experiences?


I’m booting my boy gghana into my townleans until i reassess btw
Still high up there, but i’m currently having a moment of ‘wtf am i doing’
This post just reminded me abt that

Also min/wind are good but I’m not like
Alllll the way there yet

Are you still absolutely ride-or-die on wind

wind yes
min no

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Im protecting you tonight no worries

mins opener was really good i think but his reactions when pushed are like
FUCKING IDENTICAL to sfol 65 where he was an anti-town neut


Also dude
What if i was right about that LW signal

Wait my ego
You cant say things like this, marl

I can see either of these possibilities. I think Light flip will give information on which of these scenarios is more likely to be true depending on alignment.
W!Light flip would make me think b) is more likely to be true.
V!Light flip won’t be so clear which scenario is more likely to be true.